
I scaled down everything in this wod. The Cleans were supposed to be 105, the box jumps were supposed to be 20", and the run was supposed to be a sprint. Obviously at almost 7 months pregnant, none of that was happening! It's weird cause my mind says "you can do that" when my body says "no, scale down". Danny hates that I still do box jumps and barbell cleans but they honestly feel fine. The most important thing is that I listen to my body, if something feels weird or heavy, I just don't do it or scale it....

Weightlifting: 8x5 Every Minute @ 50%  (I used 53lbs cause I haven't really been squatting more than 110-115)

WOD - 3 Rounds for Time:
6 Hang Power Cleans (53lbs)
12 Box Jumps (12" box)
200m Run

My Time - 9:30

Rest 3 Min then, Max Wall Balls in 3 Min
Score - 45 (14lbs, 10' Target)

Food: I'm craving a yardhouse turkey burger!!

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