
OH Squat, Snatch, Push up, Burpee

Feeling good today, just tired. Seems like the bigger I get, the more I want to take naps. I was only out for 2 hours today running errands before I felt like I needed a break! Anyway, I coach really late tonight so I decided to workout during an early class so I can rest before having to be active again.

The class started with a snatch complex warm up. Since I cant barbell snatch anymore, I did overhead squats:

Weightlifting - Overhead Squat 8x3 (75lbs)

Metcon - 3 Rounds:
5 Hang Power Snatch (I scaled with DB snatch, 5 on each arm, 25lbs)
8 Handstand Pushups (I scaled with 16 push ups from box)
11 Burpees (scaled with plank burpees)

My time - 7:07

Me and Natalie with our pregnant push ups :)

Ab Wheel 3x10 (scaled with max plank holds)
Strict Toes to Bar 3x10 (scaled with knee raises)

All the scale downs felt good. It's funny how movements like push ups on a box can feel so hard now haha. I'm glad that even though I am scaling a lot of stuff, it still feels just as difficult and is making me just as sore. I'm confident that I am doing all I am capable of right now without it being too much.

Food: Could go for some chicken thighs and mashed sweet potato. mmm where can I get that?!

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