

Today was fun! I actually haven't done a 1000m row in a really long time so it was good to "have" to do that today. I kept a slow pace so I could breath normally (about 2:20) and was done with it in under 5 min, which is what I wanted. The thrusters were the hardest for me cause they made my heart race, so I had to take it real slow. I did 10 at a time and rested about 30 sec in between. Pull ups felt good, also did 10 at a time with some rest in between.

Overhead Squat 5x3 (75lbs)

Metcon - "Jackie"
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45lbs)
30 Pull ups
For Time

My time - 15:23 Rx + (baby)

Food: Ceviche!

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