

Today's was brutal!! I had a much needed rest day yesterday after all that squatting I did the two days before. I decided to take on the challenge of the 3 Metcons we programmed for our classes yesterday. I knew that I wasn't gonna run (it's uncomfortable for me now) so I rowed instead. The box jumps I scaled down to a 14" box instead of the 20" and actually did jumps instead of step ups (I'm so sick of step ups, I'd rather jump low), and the burpees I scaled to plank burpees (same as regular burpees but don't bring chest to the floor). The last portion took me a LONG time, but I finished it!!

Metcon - complete the following - Get as far as you can in 3 Min, Rest 2 Min, Get as far as you can in 5 Min, Rest 2 Min, then do the whole thing for time:

400m Row
10 Wall Balls (14lbs)
20 Dumbbell Snatches (25lbs)
30 Box Jumps (14")
40 Dumbbell SDHP
50 Burpees

My Scores: 17, 47, 18:09

Food: Sweet potato stacker from 3 Chefs (chicken, bacon and garlic sauce inside a big sweet potato). Yummy!

Today is week 3 of baby classes and they are going awesome. They are totally helping me to get in a calm relaxed (and excited) mindset for labor and birth. STOKED!

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