
Back Squats, Kettlebell, Twists

Went to my first baby class last night with Danny. We are doing hypnobirthing, which is a method of natural childbirth that teaches you about nutrition, the birth process and stages, relaxing your mind and body during labor, focuses on breathing techniques, and uses natural pain relief like massage, water, heat, and aroma therapy, etc. I am 21 weeks and decided the more I prepare mentally and physically, the better off I will be when the time comes. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next month of classes!

Today was a kinda easy day at the gym...

Weightlifting: Back Squat 5x5 (85lbs)

Metcon - 3 Min AMRAP:
6 Kettlebell Swings
12 Russian Twists (2for1)

Rest 1 Min, complete 5 rounds. Score is total reps.

This workout was supposed to be with toes to bar and a 53lb kettlebell, but my hands were feeling a little sensitive and I do toes to bar a lot lately since I can't do situps anymore. I decided to do russian twists instead which felt fine. I also haven't used the 53lb kettlebell since I was like 2 months pregnant so I scaled that too.

Stayed consistent and got 3+ rounds for each AMRAP. My score was 287.

Food: nothing special. ground buffalo, beef, and sundried tomato eggs for breakfast. Chicken and carrot salad for lunch. Going to sushi for dinner (you CAN eat sushi!)

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