
Tabata That!

Just got back from a 3 day vacation in the Keys... much needed rest but never enough... I always feel like I need an extra week off! My nutrition was really bad this weekend, I'll tell you about that in a minute...

Weightlifting - DE, UPPER:
Shoulder Press 10x5, EMOM (55lbs)

WOD - Tabata That:
20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds each
Burpees (scaled with plank burpees)
Sit ups (scaled with KB Swings, 35lb)
Push ups (paralette push ups)

Rest 1 min in between each movement. My Score = 249

Food: So I ate a lot of gluten this weekend in the Keys. Friday I had an english muffin with my eggs benedict 2 dinner rolls, and key lime pie for dessert. Saturday I had eggs benedict again. Sunday I had a piece of multigrain bread with breakfast... so a total of 5 things. Sunday I have the WORST migraine coming on that lasts for 2 days. This isn't the first time this has happened. Last long weekend I took I did the same thing and said screw it and ate whatever during dinner. The result was a 3 day migraine. Moral: Gluten gives me migraines. STOP EATING GLUTEN! Hopefully now that I see this isn't just a coincidence I've learned my lesson :/

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