
Tuesday Metcon

2 Days rest and I'm back in the gym. I wasn't sore or anything but I decided that I don't want to over stress my body, so I have been keeping to a schedule of 3 rest days, 4 WOD days. I feel good and usually if I WOD more I end up REALLY sore now!! Anyway...

Skill/ Warm up: Double Under Practice

WOD - For Time:
50 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (35lbs)
30 Box Jumps
50 Sit ups (scaled with knee raises)
30 Burpees (scaled with plank burpees)
50 Double Unders
500m Row

17:10 was my time.

Got really out of breath during the burpees, even though they were scaled! Knee raises were also harder than I expected. It's crazy how weak your abdominal muscles get... I'm doing what I can to keep them strong but it's not the same as being able to do GHD sit ups, weighted sit ups, etc. Planks are really good for core strength though and safe to do with a big baby bump! Double unders were unbroken (woohoo!) and the row was slow but steady.

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