
Recovering from the weekend

I had a HORRIBLE weekend for eating!! We went to West Palm and discovered this awesome restaurant called Rhythm Cafe. Delicious food but all tempting for someone who is trying to eat clean. With all the random cravings I'm getting, I've decided that weekends I will eat what I want and during the week I will eat clean. So I had 2 full cheat meals this weekend that I'll tell you about later....

Today's WOD:

Weightlifting - 5x3 Strict Press (55lbs). Felt like I could do this heavier, I just wasn't sure what would feel like too much today. Next time I'll prob go 65 and be fine...

then 7 Min AMRAP:
6 Dumbbell Press (20lb DBs)
15 Double Unders
20 Russian Twists (subbed for sit ups)

Finished 4+24 reps

Accessory: 3x10 Pendlay Rows (65lbs)

Food: recovering from the weekend cheats that consisted of flaming white cheese with lemon, artichoke dip w/ chips, warm buttery bread, and a peanut butter pie for dessert. This was over the course of two days btw, I didn't eat THAT much in one sitting!

The healthy stuff I had during those meals was pork shank, steamed carrots and green beans, coconut rice, and lamb.

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