
Great end to the week

Good workout today. I spent the morning training people, went to the chiropractor in the afternoon, trained people some more, then worked out with the 5pm class. I haven't been snatching more than 55lbs cause that's just what felt comfortable but I went a little heavier today because I was feeling good energy and strong:

WOD – 10 MIN Every Minute On the Minute:
3 Power Snatches (65lbs)

then, 3 rounds for time:
4 Deadlifts (130lbs)
8 Toes to Bar
16 Kettlebell Swings (35lbs)

5:14 was my time. RX toes to bar and kettlebell, the deadlift weight was supposed to be 200lbs for women but I'm not going over 135 anymore while I'm pregnant. Felt really good. My breathing was nice and steady and I was able to move from station to station without breaks. Also did all reps unbroken. Must be cause I ate really clean today.

Food Cravings: Primal plan has this awesome shrimp and steak with their own version of Benihana shrimp sauce. AMAZING!! so I was looking forward to that all day and had that with broccoli for lunch, cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast, and now I'm gonna go grub on a big salad for dinner. Ready for my weekend rest days!


ahpresby said...
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ahpresby said...

Looking forward to following your preggers/training blog :)

Daniella said...

ur awesome MO! even pregnant u smoke my time with a heavier snatch and deadlift weight... my goal is to catch up to u! hopefully when ur 9 months pregnant ill catch up a bit ;) lol