
WOD at Soul

So today I went to the gym just to get out of the house for a bit... hanging out there made me want to work out, so I waited until the 4pm class and jumped in. WOW, wasn't expecting how hard this would be! I really feel like I'm starting all over again, except this time I actually know what I'm doing haha.

Warm up: 500m Row

Metcon - 3x 8 Minute Rounds:
200m Run
12 Pull ups
15 Front Squats (35lbs)
Max KB Swings (26lbs)

**Score is KB Swings = 77

Ok so I think it was too soon for me to run. First of all, my boobs hurt SO bad!! I am not used to having, oh I dunno, C or D size boobs (I have no idea how big they are right now but they are way bigger). Second, everything was all jiggly and uncomfortable. I think I should still wait a bit to start running again.. till things feel more solid I guess. ha

I did the pull ups the first two rounds, but since my calluses are gone I tore my hand halfway through round two and switched to ring rows instead. But I did about 20 pull ups total woohoo! These actually hurt my back a bit cause I couldn't keep my abs tight during, so my back was a bit hyper extended.

Front squats were ridiculous. This was the most surprising. 35lbs felt like 95, I couldn't believe it. I also really struggled with keeping my chest/elbows up high because the core strength is just not even there. I know it's gonna take time, but wow.It was supposed to be 65lbs, glad I didn't try that! It felt so good to do cleans though!

Kettlebells felt fine, but cause the pull ups were bothering my back I kept the weight lighter (it was supposed to be 35lbs). Overall I'm glad I got through it without throwing up or passing out  :)

I am gonna be sore as shit tomorrow.

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