
"Power Elizabeth"

So... today we had a WOD programmed for our members that I love, Elizabeth. Anything with heavier cleans (like over 100lbs) I really like to do, but I haven't been doing more than 75 since I found out I'm pregnant. Number 1, everything feels heavier and makes me out of breath faster, and second I just feel like I'm still lifting heavier than most women do... I have nothing to prove right now, I just want to stay in shape.

Regardless I couldn't help but go up AT LEAST 10 lbs more for this WOD! So I did:
Power Cleans (85lbs)
Push ups (this was our scale for the class) Ring Dips just aren't happening right now.

took me 8:00. Damn touch and go cleans get you out of breath fast!

I've also been working with a private client in the morning on her pull ups and when I have her do her 2 pull ups every minute on the minute, I do 5. Two days ago I did 10 EMOM while she did 2... Part motivation for her and part being I am determined to get a picture of me with a full belly doing pull ups!!

Food Craving: Smoothie for breakfast - Strawberry, Almond Milk, Protein, Cocoa Powder.

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