This weekend Soul hosted the RX Star workshop, which was awesome! If you have a chance to do one of these in the future, I would highly recommend it! Every single girl that attended either got their first pull up, handstand, or handstand push up. If you already had those things, you learned skills to perform those movements more efficiently. On top of that, the goal workshop was a great way to learn about focusing on strengths and using positive self talk to get you through challenging events inside and outside of the gym. Great weekend!!!
SO - my thing was strict pull ups. I had them before I got pregnant as I was working toward my muscle up. I could do 5 strict pull ups and 10 ring dips. Well I have gained almost 10lbs of baby weight now and lost my dips and I THOUGHT my pull ups. I've been using this skinny red band to help me continue to work them. This weekend I did 3 strict pull ups unassisted... awesome!
We also did "Helen" with a partner:
3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (35lbs)
12 Pull ups
our time was 11:06. I did all the pull ups unbroken which was my goal (my partner didn't have pull ups), and we split the kettlebells and runs. Lots of fun!
Food: Avocado salad and sweet potato soup again. So good!
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