Wednesday workout
Skill & Weightlifting:
Push Press 5x3 (75)
Chin ups 5x2
Metcon - 12 Min AMRAP:
5 Squat Cleans (75)
10 Wall Ball Shots (14)
10 Hip Extensions
I got 4 rounds +2 cleans.
Food: Last night I had some CRAZY weird cravings for things I saw on commercials like fruity pebbles and grilled cheese. haha! I didn't eat any of it but I found it pretty funny that I was craving that stuff just cause of a commercial.
Tuesday Metcon
Skill/ Warm up: Double Under Practice
WOD - For Time:
50 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (35lbs)
30 Box Jumps
50 Sit ups (scaled with knee raises)
30 Burpees (scaled with plank burpees)
50 Double Unders
500m Row
17:10 was my time.
Got really out of breath during the burpees, even though they were scaled! Knee raises were also harder than I expected. It's crazy how weak your abdominal muscles get... I'm doing what I can to keep them strong but it's not the same as being able to do GHD sit ups, weighted sit ups, etc. Planks are really good for core strength though and safe to do with a big baby bump! Double unders were unbroken (woohoo!) and the row was slow but steady.
Rx Star Workshop

This weekend Soul hosted the RX Star workshop, which was awesome! If you have a chance to do one of these in the future, I would highly recommend it! Every single girl that attended either got their first pull up, handstand, or handstand push up. If you already had those things, you learned skills to perform those movements more efficiently. On top of that, the goal workshop was a great way to learn about focusing on strengths and using positive self talk to get you through challenging events inside and outside of the gym. Great weekend!!!
SO - my thing was strict pull ups. I had them before I got pregnant as I was working toward my muscle up. I could do 5 strict pull ups and 10 ring dips. Well I have gained almost 10lbs of baby weight now and lost my dips and I THOUGHT my pull ups. I've been using this skinny red band to help me continue to work them. This weekend I did 3 strict pull ups unassisted... awesome!
We also did "Helen" with a partner:
3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (35lbs)
12 Pull ups
our time was 11:06. I did all the pull ups unbroken which was my goal (my partner didn't have pull ups), and we split the kettlebells and runs. Lots of fun!
Food: Avocado salad and sweet potato soup again. So good!
Soul Tabata
"Soul Tabata" - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest x8 for each:
Front Squat (45lbs)
Push Press (45lbs)
Calorie Row
Kettlebell Swing (35lbs)
Score is total reps for all 4 stations. I got 220 I think.
Then 5x5 RDL (115lbs)
Food: An amazing avocado and bacon salad! I just might order it again tomorrow!
Open 12.1
Open WOD 12.1: 7 Min AMRAP of Burpees
Score: 60 reps of pregnant, worming burpees :)
MetCon - AMRAP 10:
10 Single Arm DB Snatch (each arm) 20lbs
30 Air Squats
40 Double Unders
Score: 3 rounds + 10 reps Rx
Weightlifting Day
Skill: 5x3 Strict Pull ups, Every Min on the Min. (thin red band. I can no longer do rx strict pull ups. booo)
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat: 75% 2x2+1 85% 2x1+1 90% 2x1+1
Power Clean+Front Squat + Jerk: 75% 2x1+3+1 85% 2x1+3+1, 90% 1+2+1
Back Squat: 65% 1x3, 75% 3x3
Accessory: Hip Extension 5x10
Food: Craved a Rainforest smoothie but never got around to getting it. Tomorrow I'm going there!!
Headache waaaah
Weightlifting: 8x5 Push Press every 30 seconds (55lbs)
WOD - 3 Min Each:
Parallette Push ups (instead of ring dips)
Weighted Step ups (30lbs), instead of box jumps
Knees to Elbows
Push Press (45lbs)
Score was total reps for all stations. I got 147.
Food: Normal Primal Plan stuff. Ate frozen yogurt over the weekend and I think that's what gave me the headache... who knows. I need to stop giving in to these cravings on the weekends :/
Morning: Did some sled pulls with 180lbs (it actually feels a lot lighter than it seems)
Afternoon: 5 Rounds, Not for Time
10 Overhead Barbell Lunges (45lbs)
15 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar
Accessory: 3x10 Good Mornings (55lbs)
Energy was low today so the not for time fell on the right day! I was also really sore from the week so I'm glad it was a relaxed, chill day. Food has been good. Weekends are when I have my cheats.
Also, got this really good book called "The Panic-Free Pregnancy" which is freakin awesome. It's written by an OB-GYN and talks about all the myths you hear from people about foods you can and can't eat (sushi, coffee, etc.), exercise, travel.. all that. It's all backed by current research on pregnancy and birth defects and basically tells you to STOP worrying so much and enjoy being pregnant! You can do A LOT more than you think (or have heard). Your life doesn't need to be in a bubble! haha. A good read so far!
5x5 Strict Shoulder Press (65lbs)
WOD - 4 Rounds for Time:
15 Parallette Push ups
Lunge across gym
15 Pull ups
Suicide Sprint

15:12 was my time. Push ups are WAY harder on the freaking parallettes but my belly gets in the way of regular push ups now, so I gotta do what I gotta do! In the end I'll be much stronger for it. Did my first round of pull ups unbroken then broke the other rounds into 10 and 5 reps. Suicides and lunges felt fine. Just had to take some water and breathing breaks. Good workout!
OHS, Run

Weightlifting - 3 Reps Every Min on the Min for 8 Rounds:
Full Snatch @ 50% of Max (45lbs)
WOD - 5 Rounds for Time:
10 Overhead Squats (55lbs)
400m Run
took me 20something min cause my breathing was so bad. :/
Food: Rainforest Smoothie from The Beehive! It's SOO good, if you live in Miami you gotta try it. It's a mix of fresh juice (carrot apple, ginger) and fruits (banana, papaya, avocado). AMAZING. Also had some bacon wrapped dates, ceviche, and a mini nutella cheesecake cup that a friend made us for Valentines Day :)
Recovering from the weekend
Today's WOD:
Weightlifting - 5x3 Strict Press (55lbs). Felt like I could do this heavier, I just wasn't sure what would feel like too much today. Next time I'll prob go 65 and be fine...
then 7 Min AMRAP:
6 Dumbbell Press (20lb DBs)
15 Double Unders
20 Russian Twists (subbed for sit ups)
Finished 4+24 reps
Accessory: 3x10 Pendlay Rows (65lbs)
Food: recovering from the weekend cheats that consisted of flaming white cheese with lemon, artichoke dip w/ chips, warm buttery bread, and a peanut butter pie for dessert. This was over the course of two days btw, I didn't eat THAT much in one sitting!
The healthy stuff I had during those meals was pork shank, steamed carrots and green beans, coconut rice, and lamb.
Great end to the week
WOD – 10 MIN Every Minute On the Minute:
3 Power Snatches (65lbs)
then, 3 rounds for time:
4 Deadlifts (130lbs)
8 Toes to Bar
16 Kettlebell Swings (35lbs)
5:14 was my time. RX toes to bar and kettlebell, the deadlift weight was supposed to be 200lbs for women but I'm not going over 135 anymore while I'm pregnant. Felt really good. My breathing was nice and steady and I was able to move from station to station without breaks. Also did all reps unbroken. Must be cause I ate really clean today.
Food Cravings: Primal plan has this awesome shrimp and steak with their own version of Benihana shrimp sauce. AMAZING!! so I was looking forward to that all day and had that with broccoli for lunch, cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast, and now I'm gonna go grub on a big salad for dinner. Ready for my weekend rest days!
Skills and a little strength
AM Skill Work - Pull ups:
2x3 Strict, 3x2 Negatives
Max L-Sit Hold x3
Back Squat 5x3 (100lbs)
5 Rounds for time:
3 Squat Cleans (75lbs)
6 Bench Dips
12 KB Swings (35lbs)
time 9:05 (moved slow, obviously)
500m Row Cool Down, then:
3x20 Russian Twists (10lbs)
3x10 Good Mornings (65lbs)
Food: Going to cheesecake factory with some friends. They have this awesome pork chop with applesauce that I LOVE!
Oh btw, heard my baby's nice STRONG heartbeat a couple weeks ago. It was fast!! (Midwife says that's normal for baby) Must be all the exercising we're doing :)
Push up, Snatch, Knees to Elbows
WOD - 10 Min AMRAP Ladder:
Paralette Push up
Power Snatch (55lbs)
Knees to Elbows
Finished 6 Rounds plus 4 Push ups. Pretty happy with that score even though my Power Snatch weight isn't what I would have liked to use. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not about doing shit heavy right now, just about staying fit while I grow this little human!!
Food Cravings: Gluten Free bagel with sundried tomato spread.
Hang Power Clean, Double Unders, Run
Here was my workout:
Warm Up - 2 Sets:
10 Shoulder Press (45lbs)
Squat Clean + Push Press (2+2), 65lbs
WOD - 3 Rounds, Not for Time:
7 Hang Power Cleans (65lbs)
14 Double Unders
400m Run
I'm gonna try to be more consistent with my workouts this week. Last week was nuts!
I Ran Again!!
Morning: Pull up skill w/ my private client. Every Minute on the Minute, 5 pull ups, for 5 Mins
Afternoon: 500m Row
then 3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls (14lbs)
15 Pull ups
15 Leg Raises (subbed for sit ups cause you're not supposed to lay on your back when preg)
Finish with 1 Mile Run
24:something RX
The EMOM pull ups have been helping me to keep my strength even with the added weight. As of now I've gained about 7 or 8lbs. Today in the wod I did the first 15 pull ups unbroken then I split it up the next 2 rounds doing 7&8 at a time. Run felt OK... took me 12 min but it was the first time I ran in over 3 months! So I'm sure that will improve.
No weird food cravings today.