- Still breastfeeding, 13 months and counting
- Aiden has not been introduced to any crappy food, he is a thriving primal baby! (with the exception of some rice and quinoa. No gluten)
- Still a full time mom and full time at our business
Training at least 3 times a week I have achieved the following:
- Beat my old mile time by almost 20 seconds (7:50)
- Power clean body weight (135)
- Got my abs back
- Deadlift up to 185 (still really struggling with lower body stuff. Goal is 225 again)
- Squat 160 (goal 200)
- Strict Press 80 (goal 100)
- Handstand Push ups (5 reps kipping, only 1 or 2 strict)
- Chest to Bar pull ups
- Toes to bar, pull ups, rope climbs etc. are easy again
Here is a pic of my progress on my physique and my beautiful son!

Hoping to now in year two, get back to some high skill stuff like ring dips, handstand pushups and muscle ups. Thanks for following, everyone!
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