
Not for Time / Weightlifting Day

The time change has really got me all out of whack! Not only that, I've started to feel the baby moving/kicking and I keep waking up in the middle of the night, and taking an hour or two to fall back asleep. Needless to say I've been pretty tired the last few days... Today was just more about technique stuff than anything else. I'll get back to it tomorrow with something more intense.

C2 Row:
250m x4, Equal Rest.
Fastest time was 48 seconds, average time 1 Min

3x3 Power Snatch (20kg)
3x3 Power Snatch (25kg)

3x3 Power Clean + Push Press (25kg)

Accessory / Back Strength:
3x10 Hip Extensions

Food: Chicken wings! They came with my primal plan food today. So good :D Also I've been really into soup lately so I'll prob have some for dinner tonight. Other cravings have been apples with pepper jack cheese, Q Fresh milk (the closest to raw milk you can buy), and dark chocolate.

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