Warm up: 3x10 Bent Over Barbell Row (55lbs)
Dips (on bench)
Thrusters (55lbs)
I lost my dips :( Last week we did them and I tried to get on the rings but it just wasn't happening. It's like I'm wearing a 10lb vest! Anyway, I still tried today and took forEVER on my 21 dips. The 15 & 9 I did on the bench. I finished in 8:58... Then we rested 5 min and did max reps push ups. I got 35.

and of course no workout is complete without my Progenex :)
Food: Buffalo Chili and avocado for lunch. mmmm
Oh btw, I cheated on Saturday and had chocolate french toast for breakfast (with eggs benedict!!) Wasn't even that good but french toast is my jam and it's hard for me to resist when it's there!
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